
Thursday, March 4, 2010

3-D in Homes?

Once again we are faced with the ever growing 3-d movie craze. Recently, I saw Avatar in 3-D with my girlfriend. It was incredible. The 3-D made it feel like you were there and it brought out the realism of the CG characters and environments. Having to make the trip to the theater to see it in 3-D was something special. I feel like I have a reason to go see movies in theaters again. Seeing Avatar in 3-D was like the first time I saw Star Wars in theaters.

As far as 3-D making it's way into households, I do not think it is going to happen anytime soon. If it does happen, it will not be very successful. Why you ask? It is because HDTV is still in the process of growing. HDTV's have not yet reached everyone's households yet. If companies try and create this new technology too soon, it will just push consumers away from buying their product. The consumer is just not ready to make that leap yet. Ultimately, I think that 3-D technology should just stay in theaters.

At the C.E.S. (Consumer Electronic Show) this year, Panasonic and other companies showed off their 3-D televisions. Now tell me if you think this is worth having 3-D. To have 3-D in your home, you will have to purchase a new HDTV that has the new built-in 3-D technology, a new 3-D enabled blu-ray player, and 3-D glasses for each person, which each pair of glasses will cost roughly around $80-$100, not to mention if you want your favorite movie in 3-D, you will have to purchase a copy again when it is re-released on that format.

I don't know about you, but after finding out about this, I've decided to just go see movies that are in 3-D in theaters. Paying roughly ten bucks to see it beats having to pay thousands of dollars to have it in the house, and I don't go see movies nearly as much anymore. I think consumers are not ready for this yet. Businesses need to allow it's consumers more time to settle in with HDTV and then maybe start talking about 3-D making it's way into people's houses. Let me know what you think...


  1. I think three d movies are dumb anyway because again without the technology or a handy dandy pair of 3 d glasses, the effects that made the movie so great are gone. Love you!

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