
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Digital Nation

About a month ago, I was assigned an assignment to comment about. It was a program on Frontline entitled "Digital Nation." It was really interesting. Below are the links to watch the program. Are we digitally addicted? Feel free to leave feedback!

1 comment:

  1. This was diturbing, disappointing, and very sad (not in the way I didn't like it, in the 'it's all true type of way). This is exactly what is happening today with everyone using computers, cell phones, email, and the internet for various reasons. It's completely ridiculous that a person can enter a virtual world and spend so much time there that they lose the sense of reality. And how about the people that have virtual meetings and vitural relationships that turn out to be real? What about the woman who said she considers her first date to be when her husband stormed the castle to see her in her virtual world? What is this? We've completely forgotten what it's like to be able to live in reality when we are so consumed by technology.


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